Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons Campout: a first for Ben and the boys this year and a HUGE hit! Anyone would be hard pressed to convince my 3 boys that there is anything funner than a whole night camping out with just Dad. They had the time of their lives. And Ben lived to tell about it too! (He actually ended up having strep throat that weekend but a lot of Tylenol and caffeine seemed to be the wonder-potion for him. Camping with strep throat officially qualifies you for Dad of the Year award-ha, ha.)
But thanks Dad- they will never forget this!

Jamison turns 6

Jamison was SO excited for his birthday this year. It was rivaling Christmas. Especially when Jamison bounded into our room at 5:30am on the morning of his birthday asking if he could open his presents. It took all the "niceness" I could muster at that hour to gently urge him back to his bed for at least another 30 minutes. Like I said- SO excited!
We had a great day. He did treats for his class at school and a great party at home complete with a cake full of candy. Jamison's order. This kid loves candy!
Jamison continues to keep our lives moving with his endless energy and enthusiasm for life. He is super athletic and his main goal in life is to keep up with his older brother. They are best buddies and every morning they head out the door ready to take things on together. And Jamison's favorite thing: a back rub from his Dad. He'll do most anything for a good back rub. Love you buddy.