Saturday, October 27, 2012

Madelyn Jane Pykles

Madelyn Jane Pykles

October 22, 2012 - October 24, 2012

The meaning of the name Madelyn is woman of Magdala.  Magdala is Aramaic in origin (מגדלא) and means “elegant,” “great,” or “tower.”

The meaning of the name Jane is “God is Gracious.”

As her name suggests, Madelyn Jane Pykles was indeed an elegant and great soul. She was also as strong as a defensive tower, fighting for life from the second she was born. Although small and frail, the mighty gifts she gave us in the short time she was here manifest God’s grace in full force. God is truly gracious to have blessed us with this special child.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day of School 2012

The kids started school last week after the longest, but funnest summer ever! We're off to 6th, 4th, and 2nd grades and Lincoln is doing preschool again.  Looking forward to the adventures.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Surprise! (with the right video finally!)

For those that have notice my obsession with all things food, my need for a daily nap, and the overall "chubby-ness" that has set-in...perhaps this video will be the best explanation.

First of all...apologies for the uncontrolled shaking!  I simply could NOT stop laughing- the kids' response was not what we expected at all and I was in stitches.
But yes! Pykles Baby #5 is on its way- set to arrive in late October.  We had Lincoln be the messenger with a T-shirt that said "I'm gonna be a big brother", but as you can see it took awhile for the message to actually sink in. We know this comes as a  bit of a surprise for most who know us, and for us in a way as well.  It has been quite the journey to get here, but a journey for which we are truly grateful.  I hope that I will share more in the days to come. For now- we are excited, anxious, a bit scared and overwhelmed, but most of all thankful for this blessing in our lives.