Monday, April 19, 2010


I like change.
I do.
Change and I are friends.
Changes make me feel like I'm moving toward something--"growing", "becoming"...all good things.

And lately I've been feeling like a change was in the wings- a little restless. With the budget crisis in New York and Ben's job getting increasingly unstable we've been looking around for other possible jobs/avenues. Several of our friends have recently made a big move or career switch- sounds exciting right? And possible. And even on a much smaller scale, little changes we could make. Like a new fence. A swingset. Finish painting the rooms in the house. Hey- how about a haircut! Those were the changes that I had my mind wrapped around.

Well a change has come (as most of you know by now). And its defenitely NOT what I had in mind.
But the words of my favorite hymn have been coursing through my mind; today especially. They have given me cause to reflect and find peace.
"I loved to choose and see my path; but now, Lead thou me on!
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene-one step enough for me."

This change is terrifying, overwhelming, intimidating, and great all at the same time. Ben will do wonderfully. I know that with certainty. And we have both felt the amazing peace and resolution that comes from knowing that this change is right and part of a plan much larger than our ability to even understand. So, we go forth and do our best to do what is asked of us. And pray to "grow" and "become" what we should.


Meeker home said...

Wow- what an amazing attitude! You guys are always such great examples of "Come What May and Love it." But now seriously.... WHAT IS THE CHANGE??? (Is Ben the new Branch Pres? That's my guess...)

Chelise said...

Sorry- I just usually assume that it's my family reading.
Branch President it is...Crazy huh?!

Emily and Austin Gray said...

That won't be much of a change, now, will it? As a counselor he was probably gone all day Sunday anyway. At least you live near the church building!

By the way, we have REALLY been enjoying Ben's book. Actually, Austin's been enjoying it and reading passages out loud to me and not letting me read it until he's done.

Perhaps we can find another excuse to visit Potsdam Branch sometime soon and get President Pykles to autograph it for us.

Andrea said...

Wow!!! I had all kinds of possible changes bouncing around in my brain before I saw your comment. You freaked me out! But Ben being branch pres? Change, sure. Out of the question? No way. Ben is totally the man and will handle this brilliantly. And it sounds like I really do need to pick up his book! After all my change happening in the next 2 months that is (have a baby, sell house, move across country, etc). Thanks for putting that hymn (one of my very favs) in my mind. I needed to be reminded of that today too.

Meeker home said...

We all knew the day would come! (I suspect for you and Ben there are even bigger things on the horizon!) Ben will be an awesome Branch President. I still think of his optimism and hard-working attitude from my days serving with him in Philly. And you'll do awesome too Chelise- you've been prepared for this. You know the drill! It will be fun to see how things unfold for the Pykles family in the future. I have no doubt that the Lord will require great things of you. But I also know that you'll be up for it every time. You are truly some of the Lord's finest. And I'm not just saying that. Nate and I still use the "Pykles" as examples when we are talking about the most stellar, humble, Christ-like couples that we know.

All is well!

I guess this means that you are in Potsdam for at least the next few years, eh? ;)

Michelle Burk said...

Wow. Look what news I find out about when I actually get out into the blogging world! I have no doubt that Ben will do great. I mean, hello, look who is wife is?! What'd you expect, Chelsea Pickles? If you'd stop being so FABULOUS, and AMAZING, and NICE, and GREAT then maybe your husband would be bum. But not with you at his side. Watch out . . . Branch Pres is probably JUST the beginning!

You could up and move to Idaho. No big callings here. There are just too many Mormons that do it for you. It's great. Maybe that's the change you should look into. We'd love it!

Tyler and Jeena said...

What would we do without the blog world? Meekers are moving. Cards are moving. And so I was expecting a move with that post. The suspense was great, especially since you left the change blank. Ben will be awesome in his calling as always. And hopefully that means Ben will have a job so he can stay and fulfill his church calling a few more years. Best of luck. We miss the "Pickles" :)

yamsey said...

Of course Ben is Branch President. I could have told you that would happen when you guys moved to upstate NY. Of course, I was hoping your change meant that you were moving back to Philly... wishful thinking, I know. The Judkins are moving to California this summer so there is definitely need for a family of spiritual giants in the area.