Friday, November 5, 2010

2 Yellow Belts

For those unfamiliar with Tae Kwon Do, the advancement to Yellow a good thing! (something I just learned this last month too!)
Clayton and Jamison have been taking TKD for a couple of months now and taking to it very well. They really enjoy it and have surprised me at how hard they are working at this. I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised that they love the kicking, punching, running and yelling that is TKD- but still...

So last week their "Master" tested them in front of the class to advance from white to yellow belt- and they did great. They're kind of like little robots doing their drills up and down the floor but it was really fun to watch and see them having such a great time.

I especially love to see them do it together. Congrats boys!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Awesome! Bennett just started karate last week and he's having so much fun! He thinks he's invincible now.