Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm still trying to educate myself in the world of blogs but I think I'm getting close. So in the attempt... a little post-Christmas journaling.

Despite the fact that it looks like a bomb went off in each room of the house our Christmas was wonderful. There were moments on Christmas Eve that my children had me convinced that this was indeed the longest day of the year. In fact, I almost served lunch and dinner immediately following breakfast so that we could "hurry-up" (Clayton's suggestion) and get to bed so Santa could come. And come he did-Finally! The funny thing is that it doesn't seem too long ago that I was lying awake, anxious for him to come, and now to watch it through the eyes of my children is so magical. It was such a fun day. Tunnels for Lincoln, airplanes for Jamison, Legos for Clayton, and an EZ Bake Oven for Emmy. Could you ask for more?

Tonight as we were driving home Jamison asked "Mom, can Santa come again tonight?" My exhausted "No. Thank heavens!" was probably a little harsh, but I tried to assure him that it was the wait that made Christmas so special and that we could have lots of 'good nights' in the meantime. Arriving home to the wreckage made that a true statement for him and indeed it has been a week full of 'good nights'.

We've been so blessed with some wonderful opportunities to reach outside ourselves this week-finding those that were lonely or in need of help and it has blessed us all to feel just a little more grateful for all that is ours.


Meeker home said...

Yeah!!! Welcome to the world of blogging! It really is such a great way to stay connected with friends and family. I am glad to hear that your Christmas was fun and that there are others out there who have houses that look like a bomb went off. :) Keep posting. It looks like you're a pro already. (Your blog is SO cute!) Much love!

Michelle Burk said...

Hallejuah, Pykles have a blog!
And what a fabulous blog it is. You've done a great job. All the pictures are beautiful. Your kids are so big! I can't believe that much time has passed since we've seen you. Christmas at your house sounded so fun. I agree that watching them enjoy their gifts, matches my childhood memories of being surprised. Pure joy.

Andrea said...

Yahoo! The Pykles have gone digital! I'm looking forward to keeping up with you better through your new blog!

Sara said...

Hey Chelise! Nice blog! If you want to check out mine its Great to see you and hear about your Christmas!

Spence and Kath said...

Horray! I'm so excited you started a blog. Your kids are getting so big and are as darling as ever. We really, really, really need to come visit soon!

Knouse Family blog said...

you continually amaze me! Where do you find the time? congratulations! perhaps this will inspire the Knouse's to blog.

Unknown said...

You have done such a nice job! It was great to hear about your Christmas and see the kids. I like to see Lincoln is a true Pykles baby - cute and round. The time has gone by so fast. i remember Emmalynn as a baby and now to think she has been baptized - WOW. We really miss our friends that have passed through Philly and it is nice to see how everyone is doing.