Sunday, October 24, 2010

Emmy's 10th

Emmalyn turned 10 this week and took 2 giant steps into growing up.
She came to us months ago asking for only "2 things"... 2 things that she wanted more than anything else in the whole wide world. Sounded like a pretty good deal to Ben and I...then we got the full story.

"I just want a room that isn't pink (said dripping with icky-ness), and my ears pierced."

Ok Em- that is one tall order.

We honestly had been talking about doing the room switch for a while and planned on doing it sometime soon because we need to move poor Lincoln out of a crib and into a real bed (good grief, that poor neglected last child).
So we were on board with #1. But, pierce your ears? What? For some reason this one knocked us off our feet. I suppose part of it is because I was so embarrassingly old (21!- ugh) when I finally got over my fear and pierced my ears. And also because she is our first and this whole pre-teen/tween stuff is coming as us very fast.

So, like the good push-over parents that we are, we agreed. All the while, having a "Holy Cow-when did she get so old, when did I get so old?" dialogue in our heads.

The room project was a blast and turned out just like she wanted it; i.e. a move into the other room, lots of color-lots of turquoise, and the smallest amount of pink we could manage. She is loving it.

And the ears...again a blast! We made a night of it at the mall with her two friends and I actually did NOT cry watching her sit and get her ears shot with a small gun. A success. And she looks darling...a little more grown up even.

So, the big double digit year came in with a bang for Emmy. I may seem to be dragging my feet on this whole "growing up" think, but I really am having a great time with it too. Emmy is such a great girl. I often just feel it a pleasure to be a part of her life. She is uber-smart, driven, and a perfectionist- I'm often running to keep up. But she is also so kind and sensative and aware and concerned for others-she has wonderful friends and makes them easily. She is always sticking up for the under-dog and making sure that life is as fair as it can be. I probably depend on her too much, but she is a great help and support to me often.
Watching her grow is truly a joy.
Love you Em!


Andrea said...

Really?? Ten?!? I can't believe it either. But her room looks darling and she is adorable!!

Jill said...

Wow! Can't believe your oldest is already 10!! She looks so much like you, Chelise! Sounds like she has your personality, too! Lucky girl!

Tyler and Jeena said...

Her room looks adorable! She does look so grown up. Emmy, congrats on your new pierced ears.

阮三日的BLOG said...
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阮三日的BLOG said...

I totally agree! She is such a great girl!

Last Sunday in primary she gave me a big smiley face and told me "Sister Ruan you did a good job today." I was so touched! She is wonderful!