Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Yesterday the kids were home on a snow day- ok, cold day. It was 35 degrees BELOW zero! A little bit of a hazard for kids to stand at the bus stop.
So, in light of feeling like we live in the coldest place on earth, we've decided to start keeping track of how many days in the winter we are actually colder than Antarctica.
So far... Antarctica=0, Potsdam=1.

On a lighter note, Lincoln has taken up singing lately. He can often be found walking around the house singing a "Lincoln" song. Lyrics by Lincoln. Tune by Lincoln. They are awesome.
This morning the song sounded something like this:

"I love Clayton, I love Jamison, I love Emmy, I love Abby (his horse), I love George (his other horse), I love Daddy, I love Mommy, I love Buzz, and I LOOOOVE (top of the lungs for full dramatic effect)..... Myself!!"

We love you too buddy!


Seth and CarolAnn said...

"I LOOOOVE Myself" too cute :)

Meeker home said...

Oh Chelise- you are a goooood sport to put up with that weather. Bless your heart.

It appears as though Lincoln got your musical ability and Ben's self-confidence. Perfect combo.

Andrea said...

I got frostbite just thinking about that. Ouch!

Meedy said...

WOW! That is some crazy cold! I love the Lincoln singing story...adorable!

Michelle Burk said...

Brin sings the same song! We've got to get them together. They'd be a record in the making for sure. Over Christmas she kept confusing "Sunbeam" with "Silent Night" singing: Jesus wants me for a Silent Night, Silent Night. Love that age.