Sunday, March 13, 2011

Life's Curve Balls

I'll admit it- I'm a planner. I LOVE having a plan. I love knowing what is ahead of me. I enjoy preventing too much unexpected and feeling prepared. I know- it seems a little less than adventurous, but I am working on it! Apparently there seems to be higher powers that also had some tweeking and work in mind for me as well.

By defenition: a "curve ball" is a pitch delivered, intending to take someone by surprise, with a spin that cause the ball to veer from a normal, straight path.
Life has once again presented us with a big deviation- a "curve ball" if you will.

A few months ago Ben was approached by the Church History Department (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) to join their Historic Sites Team. A huge shift in his career, a big move and change for our family, and NOT in the current plan! Consequently-lots of anxiety on my part.

The last few months have been a time of deep searching for us. Searching for direction, searching for the right thing to do, searching for advice, searching for clear answers, and searching for peace. Gratefully those answers have come, much peace has come and we are about to head out on another...adventure! We feel very blessed and find much comfort in knowing that even though it wasn't in our plan, it is part of some plan. And following that plan is what we have to do.

So, the new plan?

We're moving to Salt Lake City at the end of June! Ben has accepted the job and is getting very excited about it all. We're all getting excited. It will be a big change but we're trusting a good one.

Look at me being adventurous!


Meeker home said...

No way. Now I am so sad that we just moved away from SL. But I'm so so happy for you guys!! Finally closer to family. Finally goingto be able to put down some roots. And just think...winter will only be 4 months long! Wahoo. Love you guys. Good luck with the move and all the planning that goes into it!

Emily and Austin Gray said...

I LOVE the idea that Ben will be involved with analyzing and preserving church history sites. He will do so much good in that capacity.

I hope you will over our way before June -- we are 2 exits from the JS Memorial, and have a nice big guestroom and outdoor spaces for kids to run around and explore.

Michelle Burk said...

FaBuLoUs!! That's much closer to the Burks than NY!!! And that will definitely minimize costs to Denver in the fall!! So many things to be happy about! Plus, Clayton and Spencer and reunite, Emmy can go to EFY with Braden...Oh my, the possibilities...

Meedy said...

YEAH! So excited for you! It will be fun to have you out here. Congratulations on the new job.

Andrea said...

How awesome for you!!!! Adventure is good! I hope you have good luck selling your house quickly. (Feel free to find someone to buy mine in Kentucky while you are at it....)

Megs said...

Yay!!! I'm so so SO excited that you'll be closer. We've all missed you way too much, especially me. :) Good luck with packing and the move etc. Love you! :)

Amanda said...

SO neat for you and your family! How fun to be closer to relatives and back in the beautiful state of UT! Good luck with everything! You guys deserve the very best!! Keep in touch! :)

Tyler and Jeena said...

Yipee! We may see you more than every year and a half now. And you won't be COLD for the rest of your life. Congrats, Ben, this has to be pretty close to your dream job.

yamsey said...

I have been ignoring blogger lately. Ohmigosh! Congrats to Ben on the job offer and congrats to you all on the big move! My bother in law works for the church technology department. Maybe we will actually get to see you guys next time we come out to SLC. SO fun!